

This a story about what it is like to be a partner to someone who is being Alienated from his kids.


Parental Alienation

Alienating children from the other parent is ABUSE




Often Domestic Violence is thought of as hitting, kicking, spitting, pinching or any other form of physical action towards another being that you know or have any sort of relation with.

Many times it is also though of as men doing the act and women on the receiving end.

Let me tell you something, domestic violence/abuse is not just physical but also emotional. It also effects several thousands of men who often suffer in silence because of the distress and stigma of it all.

Telling someone you won’t love them if they do something specific or if they don’t agree with your demands is emotional abuse ( one of the alienators favorite tools )

Withholding affection is emotional abuse

Withholding emotion is emotional abuse

Calling someone by nasty names is abuse

Telling lies about someone is abuse

Ignoring a loved one is abuse

Not intentionally listening or responding to a loved ones questions is abuse


Some other types of emotional abuse can include:

  • Verbal – yelling, insulting or swearing at someone
  • Rejection – pretending not to notice someone’s presence, conversation or value
  • Put downs – name calling, public embarrassment, calling someone stupid, blaming them for everything
  • Being afraid – causing someone to feel afraid, intimidated or threatened
  • Isolation – limiting freedom of movement, stopping someone from contacting other people (like friends or family)
  • Money – controlling someone’s money, withholding money, preventing someone from working, stealing or taking money
  • Bullying- purposely and repeatedly saying or doing hurtful things to someone

Though physical violence is often seen as being more serious than emotional abuse, this is not the case. The scars of emotional abuse are real and long lasting. Emotional abuse can leave a person feeling depressed, anxious and even suicidal, as well as having a negative impact on self-esteem and confidence.


Alienating children from the other parent is ABUSE

Being alienated from your children is Domestic Violence


Thanks for reading xxx

When a narcissist alienator feel like they are loosing control and things don’t go their way, they become like rabid dogs.. The bark, salivate and intimidate. They hate not knowing and they hate when they don’t have control.


Each re unification ( that is what the legal experts call it) was like the other. Each time, the children would resist, scream, cry with no tears and hit out. My ex and his parents would spend hours sometimes trying to calm them. After successfully doing so they always went about having  a great time together. Each time we would tell the children it was time to go back to their mother, they would withdraw, become quiet and a apparent sadness would was over their little faces… It used to break my heart.

Their mother would take ANY opportunity that appeared her to make a case against my ex, his family or the legal experts for that matter. When the re unification process was initiated, she would kick up a storm about which center to use claiming that the one that was suggested by the experts wasn’t suitable for some reason or another. One of the alienators tool is time. As much time away from the other parent as possible, the longer the better. She was made to go to this center and as expected had to let everyone know how disappointed she was. After one visit where the center staff had to intervene with the children and actually try and help calm them down, she decided to complain and write legal letters to accuse them of harming her children. All so that she could get her way.

The children and their father remained at the center. The staff at these centers have to write a report each time there is a visit. This report showed nothing unusual and was very much in favor of the children’s father. She didn’t like that either. When a liar is on the verge of being found out, all hell breaks loose.

She also managed to have a go at the Independent children’s lawyer, saying that they were with holding information from her.So she wrote to them too. Who does this woman think she is? She was digging her own grave so to speak.

When a narcissist alienator feel like they are loosing control and things don’t go their way, they become like rabid dogs.. The bark, salivate and intimidate. They hate not knowing and they hate when they don’t have control.

Each and every time we had seen the kids, she would come up with something. My ex’s mother was made to supervise the visits. It would make the children feel more comfortable she said. The children’s psychologist had been told, by the children that this is what they wanted so my ex agreed of course.

Of course what came next was allegations towards his mother after one of their outings. She hadn’t been supervising correctly and left my ex with his kids on purpose. And of course my ex had been violent in that time. She thought she was smart, there is no evidence if no one was around to see but what she failed to realize is that these visits would always be in public or with extended friends and family.

My ex once attended one of the court appearances on his own ( we would always be with him but this one time we were not) so she took that opportunity to accuse him of following her in the car park and intimidate her inside the court house.

Just to keep with the theme, she threw allegations around like confetti.At me, at his friends, at the legal teams, at the re unification teams, at his family, at kindergartens and schools. I used wonder how far someone could go before there were no more vexatious allegations to be thrown around.. I was hoping not for too long but I was proven wrong.

I think she lost sight of the initial allegations, domestic violence against her. Once that was thrown out of court with my ex having to admit without consent she turned to fabricate allegations regarding the children.  Then it changed to other people like previously mentioned. I mean if you look back a the timeline of her far fetched stories, nothing really make sense. She was plucking things out of thin air and left, right and center.

All of this whilst she also carried another court case against her new partners ex. She must have been so busy!! In fact, having done some research, it seemed she was quite the regular at courts. Seemed she enjoyed the thrill of it all and making up fictitious stories so that she could gain what she needed. Insurance claims, vexatious allegations and lies…

We were scheduled to start having the children for a sleep over, my ex was so excited…..



Until next time… xx

Make proven Parental Alienation a punishable crime

We learned very quickly to always make sure we took photos and videos, just in case. Isn’t sad really, to have to feel like that. To be so nervous of further vexatious allegations that you take to extreme measure just to try and protect your self.

Just for a minute, imagine this.

You meet this wonderful person whom you fall in love with. You start a relationship and decide to get married and have children. For some reason or another you end up divorcing and having to do property settlements as well as custody of the children. The person you once shared a life with and loved are now not willing to share the children you had together. But you will not have that.

You do want to see your children and kindly asks to share them with your former partner. The once wonderful person whom you have shared considerable time with and once trusted does a complete 360 turn and starts accusing you of domestic violence. You feel confused. Domestic violence? You never laid a hand on this person. The allegations fly at you.

As time goes by they get bigger and more blown up than you can ever imagine. Some ‘professional’ person decides that you are a ‘risk’ so you can’t see your children or the other parent has to back up their story so they withhold or kidnap the children from you. You feel helpless but decide to take it to the legal experts. They advise you to ‘accept’ the domestic violence accusations in order to preserve money to fight for the children instead… Now you feel very confused. You haven’t done anything wrong? You never hurt your former partner.

Conflicted between being slammed for domestic violence and the possibility to never see your kids again you decide to ‘take it on the chin’ and fight for your children, like most good parents would do. You then have to go and ‘reunite’ with your own children in a supervised center where someone is present at all times to supervise you just in case you indeed are violent…. Following this ordeal you get slammed on a fortnightly basis with new allegations, this time heavier than the first. Your former partner hasn’t given up yet!! And so it continues….

How do you feel after just reading that? Angry? Upset? Sad? This is just one story of what it can be like to live with Parental Alienation.. It is horrendous and makes you sick to the stomach. The legal system really needs a shake up. Domestic Violence is horrendous and can come in many forms but when someone uses it to deny the other parent their children, it should be a punishable crime as well as domestic violence itself obviously. 

The spring continued with small time slots for visitation, this time,allowed to take his children out of the center and his mother to supervise. Each and every time the children would be resisting the pick up. Kicking, screaming and crying with no tears.

Each time, after returning the children to their mother we would receive vexatious and malicious allegations. Time after time, they would be more and more blown out of proportion and sometimes so far fetched I was wondering if she had been watching one too many CSI’s shows.. It was like she was clasping at straws… One that sticks into my mind is the one where she claims that we would leave the children outside all night only for them to be severely bitten by mosquitoes and therefore we were abusing the children.

Earlier in the year, I had been training with a personal trainer at a local gym. this particular trainer was very successful and had outgrown his current gym and was offered a spot at another much bigger facility. He asked me if I would like to transfer with him to this bigger gym and I accepted. I trained there for 2 months on a weekly basis. I was introduced to the owner who warmly welcomed me and promptly added me on facebook as so many companies to these days to grow their business.

My trainer and i would be in touch at the end of the week to set up the following week so when I didn’t hear from him one Friday I naturally thought something must have happened. Via text messages he explained to me that the owner had told him that I could no longer attend the premises and when my trainer asked him as to why this was,  he apologized profusely and told him he was forced to do through his partner and that he needed to put his family first. I was saddened and couldn’t really understand until I found out that the owner of that gym was the boyfriend to my partners ex’s sister.

This somehow got warped into the following story in court: ( yes she twisted the story so badly so she could use it in court) 

I had found out that her sisters boyfriend owned a gym in a suburb 20 minutes from the one I lived in. I had then asked to be a member there so that I could stalk her family. I had also added him on Facebook ( I have a screen shot of his friend request) .Apparently her sister felt violated and probably intimidated and very quickly told him to get rid of me ( she is from the same family tree after all) . I mean how freaking far fetched is this? She actually used it as one of four points in court to try and take us down.


More on that court day later…
All my love xx


Fathers Day…


The first time I saw his children after she kidnapped them was on Fathers Day. Nearly 8 months had gone past. My ex had started his  reunification a month earlier. This was the first time after commencing that he was allowed to take them out of the supervised facility. We had decided to meet at a trampoline center with some other close friends of his. Friends that his kids had been familiar with since birth.

My ex’s mother and father was with him. His mother had been made to ‘supervise’ her own son and her grandchildren.Because of the apparent distress in the children and their mother filling them with fear and lies, they came up with the solution that my ex’s mother was to supervise his time with the kids.

I believe there were reasons for this. From her perspective, it was to involve more of his family so that she could throw around more accusations in her plight to take him down . From the ICL (independent children’s lawyer) and the Supervised center it was to protect him. To always have someone else present, another witness to aid in our quest to prove that she was lying through her teeth. I have always had the feeling that the ICL and the rest of the world was on our side. It was quite apparent to me.

We arrived at the trampoline center at the time agreed upon. An hour later we were still waiting. Something had happened….

When they finally arrived it was nearly an hour and a half late. My ex’s face said it all when he jumped out of the car. Stress and sadness. Not to mention the kids. Their faces gaunt,white in color and the stress apparent.

I was shocked. I hardly recognized them. So skinny and they both looked so unwell. There were no attempt to say hello, not to anyone of us. It was like we were strangers. Yet, the last time I saw them they were happy,vibrant and sun kissed and they would hug me upon meeting. Now they were all but a shell of themselves. I felt sick.

We all just carried on like normal. We went inside and bought our tickets to jump. The kids were excited although his children showed little emotion. Some time later they started to come out of their apparent sadness. We ended up having a great time. I think the kids were very impressed with their grandmother jumping around on those trampolines. We had treats, took photos and videos. My ex was stoked.

At one stage, I was filming the children jumping, running and laughing on the trampoline. My ex’s daughter had a fall whilst playing. She ran straight up to me and lifted her shirt. ” Look, she said, I got a burn from the trampoline” I asked her if she was OK to which she replied ” Yes” and kept jumping and laughing.

Once the time was up to leave and return the children to the center where their mother would pick them up, we all felt happy to have seen them.

My ex told the kids: ” Time to go” to which upon the children seemed to totally change again. Their happy faces turned sad. They would hang their heads and look into the ground. It was horrible to witness. They didn’t say good bye to anyone. We all waved and said good bye. ” See you next time” “Love you” …

The day was done and myself, my ex and his parents had dinner together and discussed the day. It was so emotionally draining for me and I just could not imagine what it must feel like for him and his parents. Whilst eating, my ex received several text messages from the children’s mother.

She wrote that she was taking the children to see the doctor because they were apparently dragged by the hair, smacked and yelled at in our care. She said the their daughter had marks on her belly from where he had dragged her by her hair on the trampoline…

I suppose she didn’t know at that stage that there were several people including staff at the trampoline center as well as my video of the whole ‘accident’

NICE TRY F*** FACE!! ( I would say what I REALLY mean but that would be too offensive….)

What an imbecile. There were at least 50 witnesses.. Among them, all of his family and some very close friends. None of us would have allowed such thing to happen.

Again, this is where I get more verification that this woman is lying so badly all in the name of jealousy and revenge. What a low life.

And to take those poor children to see the doctor and to make them lie. That is outright child abuse and should be punishable.

We submitted the video to his legal team along with our side of the story. All they would do was sigh… This woman was just relentless. I do wonder how someone can be so angry and vengeful toward their ex when in fact she was the one who left him… And as the story goes, had an affair.

Guilt can do horrible things to your mind….


Until next time xx



She is a narcissist with a severe personality disorder….


The next meet up was much the same. The kids were acting like they were possessed. Repeating themselves, wailing, crying without tears and rocking back and forth. I can not imagine how confronting and horrible this must have been for my ex to witness his own children act like this. I felt sick just getting told the story and seeing the pain in my ex’s eyes..

These beautiful, calm and well mannered little souls were being filled with hatred, lies and deceit. Makes me sick.

I from very early on developed a close bond to the children as well did my daughter. We spent many days playing on the beach, camping, fishing, having picnics and watching movies together. After a few months of getting to know one another, they would run up to me whenever we got to see them and give me big hugs. I have never had bonus children before so it was all new to me. I remember speaking to my own mum who has worked with children all her life, she said to me that your role as a step parent is to be a friend and confidante. Leave the other stuff to your partner and vice versa for him to my child.

I never wanted nor will I ever want to replace any child’s mother. At best, we can be friends and along with the father ,an authoritarian.They always called me by my name as it should be.

Sometimes we would spend time just the four of us as my daughter would be with her dad.I would teach them how to cook and bake as that is my passion.

My ex, the father of my daughter was always happy and accommodating when it came to time divided or changed for some reason. I was one of the lucky ones I suppose. It wasn’t or isn’t always easy and we do not always agree but we do put our child at the forefront making sure she is happy and content. This always use to come up, how lucky I was to have such a mutual parenting agreement with my ex. And I am.

After getting to know my ex, his family and friends, it became clear to me that she had always had issues. She was not mentally well and probably never was. She had probably endured some hardship herself making her become the narcissistic borderline personality that she was and still is. This is often the sad truth. These people have more often than not been through some heavy stuff themselves. They have learned behavior from their parents, grand parents or perhaps other extended family. This doesn’t give anyone an excuse of course because we all do have a choice of what actions we take.

It does however take a very strong and courageous person to break the mold. She was never going to be that person. She is too weak.

In one of her affidavits ( she used these legal documents like they were story telling papers) she would harp on about how happy she was in her new relationship, how they were mixing their little family together and how much money they were earning ( although she forgot that in an earlier affidavit, she was claiming money from him because she didn’t have enough… confused much? )

All the while she wrote the exact opposite about my ex. Apparently he couldn’t keep a relationship, was poor and didn’t have a good foundation to care for his kids.( trying to convince the courts that he wasn’t able to care for the children when the domestic violence accusations didn’t work)

Then she would go on about friends of his. She would write ( in an affidavit) that she received the most beautiful love letter from one of my ex’s friends who is now married to one of her former friends, all to have a go at the woman in that relationship because she was now on his side of the fence. In fact, most of their previously joint friends was now all sitting on his side of the fence wondering what the hell she was doing..he had so much support from all his friends and family. Everyone knew she was lying. No one, as far as I am aware ever asked any questions or posed any sort of doubt about her being the crazy, lying and vindictive person in all of this.

She would accuse some other friends of his and their kids of sexual harassment. Yes, you read that right. Other peoples KIDS…

She had a go at the kindergarten staff where their daughter had previously attended, accusing them of lies…The list goes on….

It was like she had to have a go at anyone and anything that was associated with my ex..The more lies the better. She would go after anything. These out there, weird accusations got bigger and more weird with time.. The more she lost in court and felt the legal system was against her, the more shit she would dream up… wait for it.

I think I previously mentioned that she was also battling her new partners ex wife in court? Yes, she was trying to alienate another woman’s child from her. Because her ex was also bitter. He had cheated on his wife with my ex’s wife. (sorry, gets a bit confusing sometimes)

When his wife wouldn’t take him back after him begging her for months, he turned to her for help and comfort. He wanted revenge so the two of them ( both as twisted as each other) started throwing lies and accusations at her  in order for them to try and take her own child away. My ex partners ex wife would be the instigator and would write all court materials, text messages and emails. They accused this poor woman of hurting the child and even said that she was suffering a very specific disorder to aid in their battle. When in fact, it was my ex’s ex wife who was guilty of every said word and accusation herself.

Again, this is very common for the Alienator. Everything they are guilty of they accuse you of….. have a think about that!


The story gets better ….Unfortunately.




Withholding a child from seeing their other parent is CHILD ABUSE


After having such a great first catch up with his children, my ex was hopeful. It must have been so emotionally hard but lovely at the same time to see your own flesh and blood after nearly 7 months absence. He cooked their favorite food and brought their requested toys etc from their rooms to the meeting.

I waited anxiously for his call. To hear how it all went.

The meeting was supposed to be 2.5 hours or thereabouts. When he called me after just an hour I knew something was wrong.

After our phone conversation I was in total disbelief. I could not get my head around what I had just been told. Was it real?

My ex explained that when he arrived at the supervised center, the kids were screaming, wailing, fake crying and said they didn’t wish to see him. Once the facilitator calmed them down and he was allowed in they would sit on the ground, rocking back and forth and cry. Again with no tears. They would repeat ‘mummy ‘mummy’ ‘mummy’. They would say things like ‘ you hurt us’ ‘ you used to hit us’ ‘ you locked us under the stairs’ … The were wailing and seemed totally possessed. The facilitator tried to calm them, saying they are safe and that their dad had brought all the stuff they had asked for 3 days prior. Nothing much helped and consequently my ex had to leave.

What had happened to those kids in the space of three days? Why, at the first meeting were they perfectly happy and stoked to see their dad. As the facilitator had witnessed and also said, they had such a close bond. If they were so afraid of their dad, wouldn’t they have acted like that the first time or every single time he had them over the last three years? Why were they suddenly acting like possessed?

I tell you why. My theory is that she hypnotized them (she bragged about her diploma she had done in NLP and even attached it to an affidavit to try and persuade whomever was reading it of how wonderful and good she was) She once told my ex’s mother “children are so easy to manipulate, you just tell them this and that and they will do just about what ever you want”. She filled them full of lies and fear so that they would act out. I believe she would have told them something along these lines:

” Daddy is going to take you away”

” If you don’t do this, you don’t love me”

“If you go and stay with daddy,you will never see me again”

The list can go on and on but this is one of the Alienators favorite tools.. The fear based lies they fill the children with so that they believe that if they go and see, stay with or even love the other parent, they will loose the love from the Alienator. With the risk of never seeing their prime care giver or loose their love, the child get so afraid and wants to protect their parent that they lie and go along with whatever that parent say so as to not loose them.

This is what alienated children have to endure. They have to lie and be forced not to love their other parent. Sometimes they are also forced to love their new step parent and call the mum or dad. Can you even begin to imagine what his must feel like? How much damage it does to these kids. How confused they must be.

All because one parent can’t put their own selfish and vindictive needs aside. They use their own children as weapons to destroy the other parents when in fact they are destroying their own children.

Here are some signs to look out for:

1. Impeding with visitation, despite orders

2. Filing allegations of abuse while constantly dragging the ex into court for child support or alimony. (Note: A truly abused individual wants to have nothing to do with the abuser, making face-to-face confrontation out of the question..

3. Having the child call his non-custodial parent by his/her first name; instead of Daddy or Mommy

4.Will feel it is their right to provide the children for visitation late but insist the children MUST be returned to the exactly on time.
5.Cause the child to feel guilt about wanting to see their other parent
Please see extensive list here :

Click to access 342_brainsyntax167-red-flags-or-examples-of-par.pdf


Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions.


I am happy to help.



Love & Light xx


What can happen to the new partner of the Alienated Parent?


Being a partner to someone that is going through Parental Alienation is no easy task.

After all, the stress and everything else leaves your partner emotionally drained and in many instances unable to love properly and carry a ‘normal’ relationship.

It often leaves you feeling worthless and unloved.
There just wasn’t any space for me, yet I kept waiting on that fucking bench, time after time after time.

He came, he went, he came, he left again..

He was lost, confused and emotionally shut off. I had to take the brunt of it through our on and off again relationship.



The Benching Mind-F*ck: Worse than Ghosting.


Love & Light xx


She told them not to call him ‘Dad’ anymore…


The stresses were so apparent in all of us. My ex’s mum and dad were suffering weight loss, headaches and many more ailments related to stress. My ex had skin rashes, anxiety and loss of sleep among many other things. The horrible truth about how Parental Alienation can affect not only the other parent but it extends much further than that to many more family members, partners and step children.

Only in hindsight have I come to realize that not only did I put my life on hold, suffer terrible stress related illnesses but my own daughter suffered terribly also.

We were VERY careful not to talk about his children’s mum and what she was up to and especially not the court appearances along with all the other stressful events that occurred. I was naive to think that she wasn’t noticing or taking it all in. I really did think that I had managed to protect her.. In a way, we did but children are smarter than that. She was feeding of my sadness, stress and anger. As previously mentioned, she is a very bright, happy and well adjusted child. But she would play up and sometimes have several soiling/wetting accidents whilst in my care. This very rarely happened in her fathers care, only in my weeks… We just couldn’t figure it out at the time. We took her to specialists appointments to try and figure out what was happening. Nothing helped.

Looking back at this now I wish I would have been wiser….

After the family report was conducted and the results released we had a brief moment of relief. The report writer had indicated that the mother of the children seem to exaggerate, manipulate the truth and not have genuine emotions when asked about the domestic violence occurring in their marriage. It also indicated and reported that if the mother was indeed alienating the children from the father, she should in essence loose most of the custody and vice versa, if the father was indeed violent then he would see his fatherly rights vanish, as they should if that was the case. It seemed to me that the report writer very much sat on a invisible fence…As they so often seem to do.

It came to light that she had tried to get the children not to call their father ‘dad’. Instead they had been told ‘they have a new dad now’ and they could call their real dad by his name. This is one of many many tactics alienators use.

She also proceeded to take the children to see a psychologist because they were suffering ‘anxiety’ about seeing their dad and from abuse that apparently had happened years beforehand….It was all part of her malicious plan to alienate them of course. What I don’t see if how this wasn’t a red flag for all involved. I mean, there was nothing wrong with these children or her for that matter before mediation was initiated and my ex’s wish to have more time was presented.

My ex saw his children for the first time ( besides that day in court earlier in the year) after nearly 7 months absence. The meet up was held at a supervised center. He told me it was very emotional but so great. There were hugs and lots of planning for their next ‘date’. The children asked their dad if he could bring things from their room and if he could cook their favorite meal for them. They seemed happy to see their dad again. The supervisor even remarked on the closeness they all portrayed, even after so long apart. They said they must have a very strong bond.

I could feel the relief.. It was so sweet. My ex was so happy to have seen his cherubs again. Now the long journey ahead had finally begun.

Th next meeting was scheduled for 3 days later at the same facility.

My ex was so excited. He prepped the food and packed their bags. When he left me to go, his eyes were decidedly brighter and his face had color in it again..

That wasn’t so much the case when he arrived back….

Make Parental Alienation a punishable Crime


After the DV was settled we were waiting for family court proceedings to try and unite my ex with his children again.

Because she knew she was lying and with holding the children she refused to show up in court. The mention was set and it was ordered that all the parties show up for interviews for a family report to be done. A family report writer will interview the mother, the father, the mother and the children together, the father and the children together and the children separately. This is to gain a  deeper understanding and insight to what might be going on within the family dynamic.

The ICL ( Independent Children’s Lawyer) was now also involved. The ICL represents the children and acts in their best interests.

It was ordered that my ex was going to see his children in a supervised care facility on two occasions during a fortnight.

So let me remind you briefly… After divorce they both agreed albeit be it through mediation that he would see his children 3 nights a fortnight and half of all school holidays, half of all special days like Christmas and all of Fathers day.

This order was in place for nearly 2 and a half years with next to no issues. In this order it also stated that my ex should have the children on a 50/50 basis once it came to the end of it. He had agreed for her to have more time because at the time of separation the children were so young and he felt they needed their mummy more.

When that notation was mentioned in court she totally lost it, started wailing to the court judge claiming it was a mistake… A mistake that she had read, agreed upon and signed for. She quite clearly hadn’t planned her false accusations at that time…..

Can you imagine? Everything is rolling along just fine. You see your children on a regular basis, spend holidays together and as far as you know and expect, you will gain more time with them in time.

Then, when that order is coming to an end and needing re negotiation you all of a sudden get hit with endless false accusations and your children taken from you just because the other parent wants to get even, hurt you or whatever else goes through their sick small minds…HEAD SPIN!

You then get to re unite in supervised care because your ex partner has defamed you through false domestic violence claims and you are seen as a possible threat to your own children… No wonder it sometimes gets heated and the alienated partner gets very angry.

Unfortunately many fathers ( and mothers) in this situation can’t live in these horrible circumstances and they end up committing suicide. I often wonder how their former partners feel when that occurs? This is something you have to have on your conscious for the rest of your life.

I suppose these so called mothers ( and sometimes fathers) do not have a conscience because if they did, they would never do this to another person, right?

I must say that I strongly feel that if convicted and proven that you are alienating your children from the other parent, you should be given a criminal record and be punished accordingly.

The family report was conducted. It was very disturbing to say the least. The kids showed distress I was told. They didn’t want to speak or see their dad at all. They apparently sat in the room with their father and couldn’t look at him. They also cried…But as the report writer mentioned later in the actual report, there were no actual tears…. I will never forget the look on my ex’s face..Total disbelief.. He said they were like possessed…

After conducting some research, ( I practically lived online, researching the subject)  I found that members of her family was practicing  NLP (neuro linguistic programming) and Hypnotism…. She, herself also proudly included her professional recognition paperwork for NLP  in one of the many legals documentsMore on that soon..


Try and stay positive and stay the course. Eventually your children will grow up and hopefully understand what the alienating parent have done.

Stay the same, stay in contact, even though they say they want nothing to do with you ( that is not the children talking)

Love and Light xx



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